


Shane Aspegren


Shane Aspegren最為人熟悉的創作形式是以音樂及聲景作為核心,扣連到裝置、圖像、影像、物件及演出。他的創作強調在精心設計的框架內,保持即興性的運作。他持續探索跨域及非二元性的議題,包括有關意識、社會動態和感知等。 除個人作品外,Aspegren亦以作曲家及表演者等身份參與不同展覽和演出。作品曾在國際收藏及展出,包括米蘭王宮、香港大館、香港Spring工作坊、芝加哥當代美術館、香港Para Site藝術空間、威尼斯雙年展等。

Shane Aspegren is largely known for his practices related to music and sound, which often play an integral part in his installations, images, videos, objects and performances. Through a cross-discipline and non-dualistic perspective, his projects often assume a relational point of view, while juxtaposing improvisational languages within carefully crafted frameworks. In addition to his multi-faceted roles as a composer and musician, Aspegren’s artworks have been commissioned, collected and exhibited, or performed internationally, including at Palazzo Reale in Milan, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Spring Workshop, Para Site in Hong Kong; Museum of Contemporary Art in Chicago, Venice Biennale and elsewhere.